Tooth Fairy Tale, should I tell?


Yakira wears many hats. An educator specializing in positive psychology and life coaching. The founder of Hebrew Guru, and Mensch World Books. The Author of LEARN TO READ HEBREW IN 18 STEPS Book series and How to Be a Jew Today: Think, Say, Do.

By the time they loose all of their baby teeth, they’ve earned enough money and have the financial freedom to embark on their first entrepreneurial adventure, a lemonade stand.

Standing on a street corner, on the hottest day of the week, trying to sell a cup of iced lemonade loaded with sugar for 50 cents to strangers. In an attempt to supposedly increase revenues, they will offer melted chocolate chip cookies as well.

Naturally, they don’t really care about increasing revenues. They will prefer to keep most, if not all of the melted chocolate chip cookies to themselves. Giving in to their sweet tooth, the entrepreneurs will enjoy eating a lot of melted chocolate chip cookies by themselves that day.

This course of action will increase their chances of loosing, for the second time, their permanent teeth at an older age. This time around, there will be no more visitation from the Tooth Fairy and instead of getting money for loosing their teeth, they’ll pay a lot of money to their dentist to create new ones for them.

Do we still think the implementation of the Tooth Fairy story in our life is whimsical, magical and harmless.  Really? Think twice.

Have a blessed day,

Yakira Yedidia

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