To Blog or not to Blog, that is the question? or the answer?


Yakira wears many hats. An educator specializing in positive psychology and life coaching. The founder of Hebrew Guru, and Mensch World Books. The Author of LEARN TO READ HEBREW IN 18 STEPS Book series and How to Be a Jew Today: Think, Say, Do.

Sounds familiar ? was it a random prophecy ?!   Welcome to (virtual) reality where everything about us is known, recorded, analyzed and stored.  Somewhere over the rainbow.  Who we are, what we do, how we feel, how we think, the way we look, our strength & weaknesses, our family and friends, our emotional state, our financial state and the state we live in.  Everything is known about us, whether we like it or not.

It almost feels like the lyrics to the song “Every Breath You Take” were written and implemented not only by The Police, but Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, CIA, M15, KGB, KFC? CNN, 007, 7Eleven? Banks, Disney, IKEA, Amazon, Walmart, AT&T, KLMNOP?!  Smart phones, Smart homes, Smart meters, you name it.  Everything is known about us, everywhere continuously with or without our consent.

Once upon a time privacy and modesty were highly regarded.  Are we being pushed to expose-more, do-more, buy-more, by ‘the more the merrier society’?  Riding on the merry-go-round without being able to let it go? we keep on buying, as we watch our world becomes one huge shopping mall.

On one hand, it is fun to display on Facebook the stuff we buy, things we do, places we go to, so people we’ve never met, might like us. On the other hand, is privacy and modesty means anything to anyone anymore? will it be a part of our vocabulary in the days to come, or easily deleted from our minds & from our digital text books, as if it never existed?   And as if we’re not sharing enough, if we really want to stand out and become noticeable in the internet of all things, to Blog or not to Blog, isn’t really the question, It is the answer!

Have a blessed day,

Yakira Yedidia

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