Can We Fly… Without Announcing it on Facebook? YedidYah Test :)


Yakira wears many hats. An educator specializing in positive psychology and life coaching. The founder of Hebrew Guru, and Mensch World Books. The Author of LEARN TO READ HEBREW IN 18 STEPS Book series and How to Be a Jew Today: Think, Say, Do.

5 states in 6 days, driving 2300 miles, shooting beautiful footages for YedidYah debut upcoming CD release, and as if it isn’t intense enough, along the way, filming new music clip videos that I’ll be releasing in the upcoming months.

When we came back from our adventures, our friends were surprised to hear about our road trip, in retrospect, directly from us, as I chose not to post a single picture on Facebook.  It puzzled them …  how can we travel without sharing it with the world? or at least with our friends? I felt their deep disappointment.

I can’t help but wonder, the impact the social media has on us. We became more comfortable “reading” about each other lives, rather than enjoy sharing our experiences in real, physical, face to face conversation.

Can you fly from any airport without announcing it on Facebook?  Yes you can, if you can accept the fact that most people would rather hear about your life from Facebook rather than you sharing it with them in person!  Having said that, I will be sharing some of our road-trip experiences in future blogs.

From the rural land of Montana back to Los Angeles, wondering, are we back to Civilization or as Bugs Bunny once said, back to Silly-vization?!

Have a blessed day,

Yakira Yedidia

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